why being single is awesome

Hey, friends!

I’m writing again on the topic of singleness because God put this on my heart and I’ve heard that it’s been encouraging to several of you. That’s so great! Thanks for reading, friends!

My last post on singleness - “being single during a global pandemic” - was the most popular post from this past month. I pray that what God’s been teaching me will be a blessing and encouragement to you!

God has a purpose for every season of our lives and while the world will tell us this season is a “waiting” season, I believe it can be one of the most beautiful seasons.

I heard a quote recently that says, “Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it. Others could be given a single weed and only see the wildflower in it. Perception is a key component to gratitude. And gratitude is a key component to joy.”

How are you viewing your singleness? Do you see only the thorns? Or have you discovered how to choose gratitude, and thereby choose joy?

I pray that you choose gratefulness and discover the joy of living life not taking anything for granted, of seeking things to be thankful for each day, each moment.

God has used this quarantine to pull me so close to Him. To someone who’s not a Christian, that may sound so bizarre and strange. But when you know Jesus, He uses the more trying times to show you who He is like You’ve never seen Him. I pray my Christian brothers and sisters are seeing Jesus like you never have before.

When you know Jesus, He constantly wants to draw you nearer to Himself. Every year, you learn more about His character and His goodness. God never stops pursuing your heart. I am in awe of how God never stops pursuing me. His patience is inexhaustible and His kindness is immeasurable.

And His love is incomparable. Truly. I look forward to getting married, but Jesus is more than enough for my heart. Jesus knows me in a way that my future husband can never and will never know me. Only Jesus has been through every season of my life with me. Only Jesus has seen me at worst and seen me at my best. Only Jesus knows how all the pieces of my life fit together. Only Jesus can redeem it all. Only Jesus loves with the purest and most perfect love. I’m never too much for Him. I’m always enough for Him. I’m always His beloved one. How this thrills my heart! The love of Christ is my greatest joy in this life. Nothing surpasses it and nothing could ever be greater!

It’s not that I don’t want to be married - it’s just that I don’t have to be married. I don’t need marriage. I don’t need a future husband. Christ has proven again and again to be my all in all. As a single, I depend on the Lord in ways that many married women don’t have to necessarily. I don’t have a husband to buy me things, drive me places, compliment me, love me, wipe away my tears. But I have Jesus! And, wow! He has shown me not to depend on a man for any of the needs of my heart.

Again, don’t hear what I’m not saying. I’m not saying it’s wrong for those who are married to depend on each other. That’s sacred and precious and absolutely lovely.

What I am saying is that as a single girl I have the joy of putting all of my dependence on Christ with an undivided devotion. A married woman can have complete dependence on Christ, but that undivided devotion is not there because of her devotion to the Lord and to her husband (1 Corinthians 7:34-35).

Part of this devotion to Christ as a single woman is learning how to be obedient to the Lord. I know this sounds so crazy to the world. We’re constantly told that being single is about being free and independent; it’s all very self-centered.

As a daughter of God, I am most free when I am living in joyful obedience to His commands. For the Christian, obedience = freedom and disobedience = bondage.

One way God has been showing me how to grow in freedom over the last several years is to grow in my readiness to submit to Him. I’ll admit I can be pretty strong-willed at times, at least in the past. It’s human nature to trust oneself and think that you know best. And yet, I’ve learned again and again that I do NOT know best. Every time I have chosen my way over God’s, I have regretted it. God’s grace abounds, but looking back I’ve walked through things that God was trying to help me avoid simply because I persisted in my own wisdom instead of submitting to Him.

What does submission to God look like as a single Christian? I submit all of my decisions to Him. I pray to God and ask Him to show me what to do. Many times, He gives me clarity about what He wants me to do and it’s the exact opposite of what I want to do, what I think is best - from my limited perspective. In these moments, I have a choice. Will I choose to do what I think is best or will I submit my will to my Heavenly Father and obey Him? God doesn’t hate us when we choose our own way, but I do think it grieves His heart. Here He is showing us the path to take - confirming it by His Word, His peace, the people He’s put in our lives - and we look at all of this and choose a different path. I know we’ve all been there.

In the moment, it doesn’t seem so consequential, and hindsight, we can say, is 20/20. Of course you can see your error in the rearview mirror, right?

But we shouldn’t wait to see with our eyes before we trust with our heart. We’re told to walk by faith and not sight. It shouldn’t surprise us that following God will require us to indeed walk by faith!

God’s grace covers our missteps. At the same time, as we journey closer and closer to Jesus, and closer and closer to eternity each day, we should be making progress in our submission to the Lord. We should be becoming more and more submissive to His will, loosening the grasping for control we have on our lives more and more, and choosing His will more and more readily - and doing so joyfully!

As a 31 year old, I am more ready to let go of something God tells me to let go of or do something God tells me to do than when I was 25. It’s amazing how learning and re-learning this lesson can create humility in you. I’ve learned to trust Him and not lean on my own understanding time and time again (Proverbs 3:5-6).

God has been teaching me submission, which I know is a huge part of marriage. The wife is commanded to submit to the husband and both are expected to mutually submit to one another. Learning how to submit to God has prepared me for how to submit to my future husband one day. Submitting to God is not easy, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is always possible and it can be so full of joy! When a man is submitted to God wholeheartedly, I imagine it’s not difficult to submit to him. Oh, how I pray my future husband has learned how to submit to God, too!

Again, it’s all about our perspective. Submitting to God out of legalism is joy-less and unfruitful. Submitting to God out of trust is beautiful and freeing.

I could write so much more on this topic. I’ll end with a personal challenge to you. Is there anything you feel like God is asking you to submit to Him? Is there anything in your life where you see that you are insisting on your will over God’s will? Has your singleness become about getting God to submit to your plan or have you submitted your singleness - truly surrendered - to God’s plan?

Can I encourage you to follow the Lord, wherever and whatever He may be speaking to your heart? You’ll never regret obeying the Lord. It’s not popular. It’s not always easy. It doesn’t always make sense in the moment. Sometimes it takes many seasons to realize the importance of our obedience. Sometimes we may never fully understand.

But I promise you this. You will never regret obeying the Lord. You will never regret choosing His ways. They are beautiful, full of life, and peaceful.

And most beautiful and amazing of all, they always lead you closer to Him. With Jesus, you’ll find that the roses always outweigh the thorns. His love outshines everything else.

Know that you’re so loved by Jesus and by me!

Love always,


Being single during a global pandemic

Hi, friends!

I am writing to encourage all the singles out there and to testify of God’s goodness to me in an unsure season.

I’m 31 and I’ve never been married. I’ve always dreamed about being a wife and a mommy. Yet God’s timing is not my own. If it were up to me, I would have been married by 25 and had little ones by 30! But I have submitted my entire life to Jesus Christ. When I trusted Him to be my Lord and Savior, I surrendered my own lordship and rule over my life. My times are in His hands and He makes everything beautiful in its season.

When this quarantine first started, I’ll be honest, one of my first thoughts was wondering if I had put my professional pursuits before relationships. Is this why I’m still single? You can’t earn a Master’s degree by 29 without singular focus. I was telling a friend recently that I’ve had a laser-like focus with my career. I’m super grateful for how driven I am. I believe God made me this way and I love how He has uniquely shaped my personality! I am a go-getter, totally Type A, and absolutely determined to reach my goals while living with kindness and joy to everyone God puts on my path each day.

But in the midst of a world-wide pandemic, I couldn’t help by wonder if all of this would be easier if I had a husband. Someone to encourage me, help me, calm my fears. Someone to just be there to go to the grocery store with. Face masks and all.

This would all be easier if I was married, right?

Not true.

God has been showing me that I am complete in Him and that He is the One I can lean on, rely on, look to, and run to at all times. During this time, I’ve been going on lots of walks and running a lot, too. I’m thankful for this sunny spring weather. It’s been such a blessing! On my walks, I love to memorize Scripture, pray, and just pour out my heart to God. I’ve felt His presence and love in ways I have never before. He’s been the only One I have to turn to during this time. And it’s been amazing to lean on God like I never have before. He has been my Rock during this time. I always knew He was my Rock, but I’ve never leaned on Him so FULLY than during this time.

Jesus has been so gentle with me during this time. He has pulled me SO close during this time. I have felt so seen and known by Him in a way that I have never felt in my life.

I have to share the ways He has shown His love for me!

-ABUNDANT PROVISION: Early on in the quarantine, I went to the store to get groceries. As I was checking out my groceries in the self-checkout, the machine malfunctioned. A supervisor came over to remedy the situation, but after many attempts (and a lot of time passing), it was still not working. He apologized profusely (and was one of the kindest people ever!) and asked me to move all of my items to a nearby checkout lane. As he was scanning my things, he was so gracious and apologetic. He assured me that he will give me a discount - saying I had to wait over an hour for this to be resolved and it was the right thing to do. When he pressed the total button, he took off $100 from my total! I couldn’t believe it! I even told him that he didn’t have to do it. He was so insistent. I was AMAZED. Nothing like this has every happened to me when I’ve been shopping. I knew it was the Lord’s sweet kindness to me. I don’t need a husband to provide for me. I have a Heavenly Father who created the heavens and the earth and knows everything I need before I ask. He is my Provider.

-PERFECT TIMING: At the start of April, I found an old Bible study from three years ago that I had left unfinished. This is so uncharacteristic of me. I always finish my Bible studies. (I think it’s that AP honor student still in me - ha!) I like to complete what I start. This Bible study has been about the Israelites in the wilderness and how we need to believe God with all of our hearts. It has been just what I needed! I am amazed at God beckoning me to finish the second half of the study (I had exactly half of the study left). He has used this deep study of His Word to revive my heart and restore my soul. I know that He divinely purposed for me to finish it now. And I am so grateful!

-FOREVER FAITHFUL: A couple weeks ago, I found a box of all of my old journals. Re-reading them during this time has been nothing short of life-changing! Remembering the Lord’s faithfulness to me through elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and grad school has been so sweet! It’s also been a convicting process! Reading over my writings of God’s love and faithfulness to me, I realized that we are so prone to forget the beautiful things that the Lord has done for us. I’m very much a “futuristic” person, according to StrengthsFinder. I love to dream and plan for the future. Yet in walking with Jesus, we have to remember what Jesus has done for us! We have to look back and let ourselves be in AWE of the God of all of our days. I’ve found myself on my knees in tears at the recollection of sweet memories I will now treasure more deeply. It’s one thing to remember a season - it’s quite another to see your own handwriting and read your own thoughts from that time. If you do not journal or prayer journal, I cannot encourage you enough to start this! With each entry, you are creating a written history of the faithfulness of God in your life. One day, you will re-discover what you write today and I promise you, it will mean something. Something significant, encouraging, and life-giving. Remembering how the Lord has been with us, loved us, saved us, healed us, restored us, helped us in the past is how we have victory in our battles today. We must stand on the Lord’s faithfulness to us!

-ETERNAL LOVE: This leads me to my final point here (but certainly not my last example). I could sing of His love forever! Having so much alone time with God and experiencing His love in deeper ways than I ever have before has settled my heart so beautifully. Yes, I would love to be married and have little ones right now. But God has deemed that this is NOT that season. And so I rest. I still dream of that day. Wearing a lovely white gown and walking down the aisle to an amazing man of God who loves Jesus with all of his heart. Being a wonderful wife to him. Having little ones call us “Mommy”and “Daddy.” Watching them grow. Helping them learn to read (I cannot wait to teach my future littles how to read one day!). And yet, I trust. God has shown me how intimately involved He is with my life. Again, cue the tears. And suddenly, all my dreams and goals and hopes meld into one desire - I just want to know this God who loves me so much more. Who died for my sins so I could have THIS - this relationship with Him. A relationship that makes my heart cry out more and more: I just want You, God. I just want to know, You. I just want You. You are the One my soul longs for; You are my heart’s desire. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. YOU are the One my soul searches for, my heart longs for. You and You alone.

Friends, let Jesus love you. Especially to all the singles out there - you may be “single” to the world, but you have Jesus on your side. He is with you wherever you go. Let Him love you like never before during this time. Let Him re-direct your heart to Him. Run from anything that tries to distract you from an undivided heart focused on Him. Let your soul behold Him in a way that you never have before. When you do, you will be changed FOREVER.

I still want to be married, but out of this season has come an even greater surrender. I already have the greatest Love I’ll ever know. His name is Jesus. He rejoices over me with singing. He’s promised to never leave or forsake me. When I was messed up in my sin and so broken, He died on a cross to save and redeem me. When I fall, He catches me. When I’m overwhelmed with this world, I run to Him and I’m safe. He calls me His beautiful one. He alone is the only One who has seen every moment of my life - who was there through it all. His love is a love that is better than LIFE itself!

And nothing can separate me from His love.

Jesus - He provides abundantly for me.

Jesus - His timing is so beyond perfect.

Jesus - He is forever faithful.

Jesus - He loves me with an eternal LOVE.

Jesus - He is my heart’s desire.

As a single, there’s no 100% way to know if I’ll ever get married. But if I do, if that’s part of Jesus’ plan for me, I know that I will be a better wife and mommy because of this time with Jesus right now - during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.

Because of how Jesus met me here.

Resting in His GREAT love and praying He shows you how DEEPLY He loves YOU!

You are so loved by Jesus and me!

Love always,
