There's something about writing that makes my heart come alive. I love sharing what's on my heart and what God has been teaching me all with the hopes of encouraging someone somewhere. I pray this post blesses you!
A couple weeks ago I was at church and the pastor said this phrase that I have not been able to get out of my head. I even wrote it on a notecard and tacked it up on my bedroom wall. He said that when you follow Jesus, you have "a heart of fearless joy."
Don't you just love that? A HEART OF FEARLESS JOY. Something about the way those words hit my heart just left me in awe of the reality of following Christ and the freedom He brings into our lives.
But doesn't it seem that so many times life gets in the way of having this heart of fearless joy? People disappoint you and your heart is left shattered - full of sorrow and pain, not of joy. Life circumstances and loss shake you more than you thought they could and once again your heart is not full of fearlessness but fear of what else could happen. You desperately want that heart of fearless joy as you run after Christ, but you're stumbling over your own feet - longing to soar like the eagles but tethered down by what's happened.
And yet this - this devastation - this is the moment to rise up and cling to the Word of God like never before. God has promised to work everything together for our good (Romans 8:28), God has told us to rejoice always and give thanks in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18), God has told us to forgive if we want to receive His forgiveness (Matthew 6:15). His perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18) and His joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). These are not just nice ideas or clichés to get us through the hard times. When we believe in God's Word, this is a reality!
One of the most important things I have learned through all of this is to forgive - it's my life anthem. I'll say this again and again for as long as I live. No matter what I go through God has reminded me again and again that forgiveness is the key to moving forward in life. People will mess up and break your heart, people will treat you cruelly, people will shock you with their hypocrisy and brokenness. And when that happens you have two choices - you can internalize what's happened and let it change you OR you can give it all to God and by His strength radically forgive all that's been done. Radical forgiveness is the key to radical freedom. You're only as free to the degree that you've forgiven those who have hurt you. You probably know someone in your life that's always talking about what's been done and what happened and who did this and why they are the way they are - and that person is not free. You cannot be free and hate someone. You cannot be free and harbor bitterness. You cannot be free and simultaneously hold grudges. You cannot be free if you hold even one ounce of unforgiveness toward someone. Freedom comes with forgiveness.
And forgiveness - complete and total forgiveness - is only possible with Jesus. He is the One who changes your heart and the way you see. He is the One who tells you to give it to Him and let go. He is the One who will empower you to not only forgive but to love those in your life who have caused you the most pain and disappointment. Check out these verses from Luke chapter 6:
27 ...Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Love, do good, bless, pray - all for your enemies. For those who have broken your heart, for those who have betrayed you, for those who have done you wrong - this is what Jesus says to do: LOVE. DO GOOD. BLESS. PRAY.
This is the path to fearless joy. Living out radical forgiveness because God has radically forgiven you. Why does Jesus tell us to do this? Because loving, doing good, blessing, and praying sets our hearts free from the snares of bitterness, hatred, and bondage to unforgiveness. All of this honors God because it keeps our hearts free - and when we are free we live like Jesus. And when we live like Jesus this world is changed.
Friends, those who have hurt you - they wouldn't have done so if they knew true freedom in Christ. They wouldn't have left you, lied about you, let you down, and broke you if they knew Jesus. Which is why in these moments - instead of crying all the tears and wallowing in what happened that we cannot change - by the power of the Holy Spirit, we need rise up and show the radical love of Jesus. To the very people who have hurt us.
There's still stuff you might have to walk through with Jesus as you forgive. And He'll help you. Nothing you suffer is greater than what He suffered. Let this comfort your heart because anything you are going through - He knows and He has the solution and the path to freedom. He knows what it's like to be disappointed, betrayed, hurt, broken. And He overcame because He forgave again and again and again. He refused to let anything interrupt His fellowship with His Heavenly Father.
By the grace of God, let's do the same. And let's live with hearts of fearless joy.